How to Edit Your Profile

1. In the footer click on, “Login” (or click here to be taken directly there).

2. When you arrive at the Login screen, you’ll want to select the second radial button “Request Password” if you are a member but do not have a password. and follow the directions. You will be sent a password to the email address we have on file. If you don’t receive your password shortly, check your spam filter. Once you receive the email with the password in it, you can log in to your profile.

*If you are having problems requesting a password, please fill out the contact form below with the primary email address you would like to use for your account.

Note: If you already have a password, you can simply log in using it. And if you forget it, you can simply reset it (as often as you need to).

3. Update your About information.
Here you can update your name, address, email address, phone number etc.

Note: the field “Company Name” should be your business name and “Primary Contact” should be you. If you made any changes, click “Save and Continue.”

4. Click on the Profile tab.
Click on your“business card.” You can upload your logo as well as write out a tagline up to 80 characters.

Note: Don’t put your name here. Instead, put a tagline in that’s keyword rich in order to help your search engine optimization.

Also, for each block on the profile page, you’ll see a question mark with the words, “Learn more”.  Click on the question mark to see a video explaining how to do each of these steps.

5. Create your Profile Gallery.
Here you can upload up to eight images about your business. We recommend you upload a picture of you first and then add images about your business.

6. Write your profile description.
The key to writing a great profile is thinking like a marketer. Don’t focus on you, focus on what your target market is looking for. Since the search engine for this member directory is content and context-driven, you’ll want to use the keywords that someone would search to find you.

In other words, if you do “wealth management for high net worth clients” or “incentive plans for key employees” or you offer, “event insurance” or you specialize in “reputation management,” make sure those words appear in your profile. Put any words you think someone would search for you and your business in your profile.

7. Make sure you add your social links (Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.).
Just insert the URLs for your accounts and the ones you use will appear in your profile.

8. Make sure you click on “Save & Continue.”
There’s more you can do (like add a deal), but if you just get started here, you’ll be in the game.

Remember, this is an opportunity for you to market what you do to our membership, as well as to any local business who might want what you have to offer.

So, take advantage of this opportunity right now. It doesn’t cost you anything extra to do (other than your time) and the potential for more business is huge.

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